About Us
Where is Council represented?
Council has a seat at the Board of Education meetings and a BOE liaison
When are meetings held?
Full Council meetings are once a month, including the Superintendent, BOE rep and teacher rep
PTA unit presidents meet once a month with the Superintendent
Council Board of Directors meets five times during the school year.
What does Council do?
Share best practices and information across the district
A liaison for the Presidents to Superintendent and her office – similar to the Principal – the BOE and other town boards
A liaison to CT PTA – everyone has their own relationship but for things that are common, Council is often the most efficient way to get information – such as mandatory President and Treasurer training each year
What type of organization is Council and the unit PTA?
Council and individual units each have their own 501c3 status and separate EIN numbers
Every unit carries their own insurance via CT PTA
Every unit has a set of rules to abide by: federal and state laws, IRS rules, and PTA bylaws
PTA Presidents and Treasurers go through mandatory PTA training each year to stress the importance of these sets of rules.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 24
- Tuesday, February 25
- Wednesday, February 26