Ridgefield Council of PTAs
The Ridgefield Council of PTAs, with 9 local-unit PTAs, is the umbrella organization for the PTAs in Ridgefield. The council serves as a liaison to the CT PTA, as well as with the school administration and the community.
For more than 100 years, Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has provided support, information and resources to families focused on the health and education of children. As the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation, PTA reminds our country of its obligations to children and provides parents and families with a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every child while providing the best tools for parents to help their children be successful students.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions &
please click on the links below to sign up for your schools' PTA.
PTA Council |
Kelly Debald: mathews_kelly@hotmail.com Mary Salgado: mjsalgado829@gmail.com |
Kim Carone: kim.carone@gmail.com Sara Armstrong: sba328.mail@gmail.com |
Rebecca Guerrero-Harper: rebecca.a.guerrero@gmail.com |
Erica DiGrazia: eadigrazia@gmail.com Celene Reynolds: cdmg99@yahoo.com |
Melissa Stone: mmeyers6@gmail.com Kari Polcari: karipolcari@gmail.com |
Katherine Voellmicke & Deanna Nayes board@branchvillepta.org |
Katie Higgins: katiefogs@me.com Annie Dosdall: anniedosdall@gmail.com |
Laura Holdgrafer: laurarosehold@gmail.com Melissa Avery: melissa.m.avery@gmail.com |
Kate Krsulich: kate.krsulich@gmail.com Kelsey DePalo: kelseydepalo@gmail.com scotlandelementaryPTA@gmail.com |
Laura Liberti & Katherine Reth vpespta@gmail.com |
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
School PTAs
Council Committees
Budget Meeting with Dr. DaSilva
Do you have questions about the budget, next steps, or how to get involved?
Please join the Superintendent for a virtual question and answer session.
March 21st @ 9:30am
Join the discussion here
Session will be recorded and available.
Latest PTA Meeting recording
2/28/23 As parents, we all know that some conversations are easier to have with our children than others, but we also know that sometimes the more challenging ones are the most important. Please join us to hear from experts as they share strategies for how to engage with teens about diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in healthy, age-appropriate ways. Let's talk with our kids about how to celebrate the richness of our community.