Productions for Young People (PYP) is a parent-run and -funded organization that, in partnership with our school PTAs, augments the cultural experiences of Ridgefield’s youngest citizens. In recent years, PYP has hosted jazz and classical musicians; blues groups and hip hop troupes; ballet and modern dancers; and performers from Shakespearean actors to opera singers to Russian Folk Dancers.
Thanks to your support in the 2016-17 school year, Ridgefield Elementary and Middle School students were treated to a spectacular performance by a cappella sensation Blue Jupiter. World-renowned and based in New York City, Blue Jupiter used only their voices to introduce the kids to a mix of pop vocals, funky beatbox, and jazzy harmony.
This coming year, PYP is looking forward to introducing equally entertaining and equally educational acts to our students in their schools.
While PYP’s district funding was cut in 2003, school PTAs and families have continued to contribute resources to bring world-class performing artists to our schools. Please join us as we plan a new year of wonderful performances to dazzle and inspire our children. For more information about PYP or to become part of the PYP team, please contact your school PTA or write to
How can you support PYP?
To make a tax-deductible donation, you can donate two ways:
- Download the PYP contribution form. Please send the form in an envelope marked "PYP" back to your school's office.
- Donate online by clicking the DONATE button below to go to Paypal's secure website. You can use either click on the BLUE button to use your paypal account OR the WHITE button to pay with a debit or a credit card.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3